What to do with old clothes (that are too worn to donate)
Did you know that the average American throws away 70lbs of textile waste a year?
Donating clothing should always be the first option, but clothing should only be donated when it is in usable condition.
So what should you do when clothing is too worn to donate?
Here are some great options:
The North Face: Clothes the Loop Program

What they accept: Any brand of used apparel and footwear in any condition (no undergarments)
Where it goes: Donated to their non-profit partner Soles4Souls
Where to drop off: Most North Face retailers and outlets have a collection bin in store.
Click Here to Learn More
Madewell and Levi's: Blue Jeans Go Green Program

What they accept: Any brand of used denim in any condition
Where it goes: Turned into housing insulation for communities in need
Where to drop off: Any Madewell or Levi's retail or outlet store
Click Here to Learn More
Knickey: Recycle Your Rejects

What they accept: They accept undies, socks, bras, tights, and cloth face masks from any brand.
Where it goes: Turned into useful secondary textiles including insulation, mattress batting, industrial textiles, and rags.
Where to drop off: Create an account on Knickey to request a free shipping label. Minimum: 5 textiles Maximum: 200 Textiles
Click Here to Learn More
Chicago Area: Chicago Textile Recycling

What they accept: Clean clothing and household textiles (like sheets and towels), paired shoes, stuffed animals, purses/belts in any condition.
Where it goes: Sourced to fiber and rag manufacturer (Wipeco)
Where to drop off: 24/7 drop off bin at warehouse: 250 N. Mannheim Rd. Unit B. Hillside, IL 60162. Or go to chicagotextilerecycling.com to contact CTR to find drop off bins throughout the city.
Click Here to Learn More
Additional options:
Nike's Reuse A Shoe Program: Accepts any brand of old athletic shoes in any condition. Drop off at retail locations.
Patagonia Worn Wear Program: Accepts Patagonia brand used clothes (in usable condition). Drop off at most retail locations or send by mail.
Soles4Souls: Accepts any and all style of shoes (in usable condition). Find drop off locations around U.S. or ship for free through Zappos for Good.
Terracycle: Purchase Fabrics and Clothing Zero Waste Box and ship to Terracycle to upcycle.
The Bra Recyclers: Accepts all categories of bras. Request a shipping label (not prepaid) and send in mail.
Many animal shelters accept old towels. Call your local shelter to inquire!
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